Welcome To The Bitcoin Revolution

Hi there!

My name is Matthew Kratter.

I'm the founder of this site, as well as the YouTube channel called Matthew Kratter's Bitcoin University which currently has over 235,000 subscribers.

Before going down the Bitcoin rabbit hole, I founded and ran Trader University, which focuses on trading and investment strategies for stocks, options, and futures. I was able to provide a unique perspective, given my hedge fund background and decades of trading experience.

After finally recognizing the importance of Bitcoin in late 2019, I began liquidating my stocks and other investments and moving my savings into Bitcoin.

I'm now all in on Bitcoin, devoting the majority of my time to producing Bitcoin educational content on YouTube and on this site.

In my free time, I enjoy skiing and hiking in the Rockies with my wife, kids, and dogs.

I am glad that you found Bitcoin University.

I am here to help you understand the many different facets of Bitcoin at a deeper level.

Bitcoin is the greatest revolution of our lifetime, and I feel blessed to be able to participate in sharing Bitcoin education with the world.
